Alpine Association of Slovenia (Planinska zveza Slovenije)

  • Established on 27 February 1893 (Successor of the Slovenian Alpine Club).
  • Among the largest non-governmental and voluntary organizations in Slovenia, and the largest sports organization.
  • The President of the Alpine Association of Slovenia is Mr. Jože Rovan.
  • The mission of the Alpine Association of Slovenia (Planinska zveza Slovenije, PZS) and of the entire mountaineering organization is mountaineering as a lifestyle.
  • The principles of the mountaineering organization are: wholesome mountaineering and its promotion, focus on alpine clubs, education of hikers, implementation of infrastructure to provide safer hiking in the mountains, protection of mountain nature, professionalism and cooperation, and transparency of operation and public involvement in decision-making.
  • At the end of 2018, 287 alpine clubs were members of the Alpine Association of Slovenia, which resulted in the Association having more than 58.000 members of various age groups.
  • There are more than 18,000 young mountaineers, ranging from preschool to age 26, representing more than 30 % of membership.
  • The membership in a mountaineering organization gives individuals the opportunity to participate in many mountaineering activities, they receive discounts on overnight accommodation in mountain huts in Slovenia and around Europe, they obtain several different types of insurance, and benefits when buying mountaineering equipment …
  • Every year the Slovenian mountains are visited by 1.7 million visitors, while more than 315,000 Slovenians regularly hike in the mountains
  • Alpine clubs manage and maintain 178 mountain huts, shelters and bivouacs, which means almost 7,400 beds and more than 10,000 seats.
  • The Slovenian mountaineering organization maintains more than 2,000 mountain trails with their total length of more than 10,000 km.
  • The Alpine Association of Slovenia is responsible for organization and implementation of 20 professional training programs, which are available to train mountaineering groups mentors, orienteering instructors, guardians of mountain nature, PZS mountain guides for dry and snow conditions, alpine cycle-touring guides, alpine climbers, trailblazers, sport climbing instructors, and instructors of all types.
  • The PZS comprises of several activities: the world renown alpine climbing activity, and competitive sports, such as sport climbing, ice climbing, competitive ski mountaineering, and mountain orienteering. In 2012, the PZS established the Slovenian Youth Alpine Climbing National Team, later also the Slovenian Alpine Climbing National Team.
  • The Slovenian sport climbers are among the best in the world. They operate within more than 50 clubs for sport climbing and are members of the PZS or sport climbing sections of alpine clubs. They practice on about 100 climbing walls throughout Slovenia, and they are trained by coaches and climbing instructors.
  • The Alpine Journal Planinski vestnik is a cultural, professional and popular-scientific newsletter published by PZS. It is the oldest Slovenian magazine which is still being published (the first journal was issued back in 1895).
  • Within the Alpine Publishing House, the PZS publishes mountain maps and guides covering all the mountains of Slovenia. It publishes expert literature, and fiction as well.
  • PZS has a status of an association, which operates in accordance with public interest in the field of sport (2007), nature conservation (2007), humanitarian activities (2008), protection against natural and other disasters (2010), research (2016). In February 2013 the Alpine Association of Slovenia, Youth Commission, obtained the status of a youth organisation in the public interest in the youth sector, and the status of a national youth organization.
  • An Agreement on Cooperation has been signed with the Mountain Rescue Association of Slovenia, the Slovenian Mountaineering Club Skala, the Slovenian Red Cross, the Slovenian Mountain Guide Association, and the NATO Mountain Warfare Centre of Excellence.
  • An Agreement on Cooperation in the field of sustainable development has been signed by the Alpine Association of Slovenia, the Fishing Association of Slovenia, the Hunting Association of Slovenia, the Tourist Association of Slovenia, the Slovenian Beekeepers' Association and the Slovenian Kennel Club, in their joint efforts to protect the biodiversity.

The Alpine Association of Slovenia is a member of:

  • the Olympic Committee of Slovenia – Association of Sports Federations (OKS),
  • the International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation (UIAA),
  • the European Union of Mountaineering Associations (EUMA),
  • the Club Arc Alpin (CAA),
  • the Balkan Mountaineering Union (BMU),
  • the International Ski Mountaineering Federation (ISMF),
  • the International Federation for Sport Climbing (IFSC),
  • the European Rambler's Association (ERA),
  • the International Commission for Alpine Rescue (ICAR),
  • the International Reciprocity Agreement Association, and
  • it has joined to the European Mountaineering Forum.

Moreover, the Alpine Association of Slovenia encourages its members to strive towards active cooperation in the international environment and form close contacts with the Slovenians beyond the national borders and with other comparable organizations. Their activities culminate in the Gathering of the Mountaineers of Three Countries and in the Meeting.

 Movie about PZS (2015):

To the PZS- website (Slovenian + partly English)

Club Alpino Italiano
Alpenverein Südtirol
Deutscher Alpenverein
Liechtensteiner Alpenverein
Österreichischer Alpenverein
Schweizer Alpen-Club SAC
Fédération française des clubs alpins et de montagne