Positions and policy papers

Joint position concerning pedelecs/E-MTbikes (2017+ Update 2021)
Drawn up by experts from all CAA associations in the fields of mountaineering, nature conservation and huts/trails and updated in 2021, the paper represents an Alpine-wide compromise on this hotly debated issue in all Alpine associations.

Alpine sports and risks involved (2019)
The paper, developed under the leadership of the CAA Commission on mountaineering and adopted by the CAA General Assembly in 2019, emphasises individual responsibility and the value of free access to the mountains.

Political demands on climate change (new version 218)
As early as 2009, the CAA demanded that politicians step up their efforts to reduce CO2 emissions, change energy and transport policies and introduce Alpine-wide regulations on motorsports in the Alps. In 2018, these demands were updated.

Climate strategy (new version 2018)
Also as early as 2009, the CAA associations formulated joint goals and measures to reduce mountain sports-related CO2 emissions and to adapt to the consequences of climate change. This self-commitment paper was also updated in 2018.

Protect the alpine landscapes (2014, update 2017)
The CAA thus advocates greater protection of the non-renewable resource of natural and cultural landscapes, which are coming under increasing pressure from tourism, transport, the energy industry and settlement development.

Via ferratas in nature and landscape (2009, revision 2017)
The sharp increase in the construction of via ferratas prompted the CAA Nature Protection Commission to issue a series of findings and demands as early as 2009, which were revised in 2017 and adopted by the General Assembly.

Position on artificial snow making (2016)
Here, the CAA calls for a limitation of the expansion and negative impacts of artificial snowmaking in ski areas in the Alps.

Update position EUSALP (2014)
In the development of the macro-regional Alpine Strategy EUSALP, the CAA advocated for a strong role of the Alpine Convention and the involvement of civil society.

Update wind power plants in mountain Areas (2014)
The CAA gives specific recommendations for possible sites, exclusion areas and general approach to wind power plants in mountain areas.

Adventure installations (2012)
The trend towards more and more artificial staging of the Alps is viewed critically by the CAA. The paper pleads for restraint in the construction of technical installations.

Energy Policy in the Alps (2012)
For the expansion of renewable energies, which is seen as inevitable, the CAA formulates principles and recommendations for action on wind power, hydropower and solar energy. But in the first place it sees saving!

Motorised off-road traffic in the Alps (2009)
The CAA is clearly in favour of strict compliance with the restrictive legal regulations on motorised off-road traffic in the Alps, which exist in principle.

Mountaineering Charter (2008)
Common principles and self-commitment of the alpine associations.

Environmental regulations for ski mountaineering competitions (2004)
Detailed nature conservation guidelines for ski mountaineering competitions.

For all those who enjoy nature in the winter mountains, the CAA already in 2003 has published the flyer "Nature friendly winter tours", which you can download here in French and Italian.

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